MuseScore 速览
MuseScore 创作魅力乐章,来体验这自由开源免费的作谱程序!
MuseScore 运行于 Windows、Mac OS和Linux,被翻译为40种不同语言。不论你是否用过其他同类软件,如Finale 或Sibelius,或者是初入门的 MuseScore 能让你的音乐具有观赏的美感。看看下面的的链接!
- [[nodetitle:musescore 速览 - 创作乐章|在所见即所得编辑器中创作你的乐曲]]
- [[nodetitle:musescore tour - listen to your score|Listen to your score with computer playback]]
- [[nodetitle:musescore tour - share and print your score|Share & print your score]]
- [[nodetitle:musescore tour - work the way you like|Work the way you like]]
- [[nodetitle:musescore tour - get help|Get help]]
- 乐谱长度无限
- 每个系统谱表无限
- 每个谱表最多4个不同发声
- 乐谱创建指导程序和模板
- Automatic part extraction and transposition
- Repeats, including segnos, codas, and measure repeats
- Dynamics, articulations, and other expression markings, with playback support for most
- 文本标记
- 歌词
- Chord symbols
- Jazz notation, including lead sheets, slash notation and a “handwritten” font for text
- Swing and shuffle playback
- Mixer for instrument levels and effects
- Percussion notation
- Early music notation
- Cross-staff beaming
- Import of graphics
- Custom key signatures
- Additive time signatures
- User-defined score styles
MuseScore 的组件多自动防止好了,也可以手动移动。且支持插件扩展功能,有许多用户上传的插件。
MuseScore 可以导入导出 MIDI和MusicXML文件,还可以从Capella等其他几个程序中导入。
MuseScore 可以导出到PDF、PNG和其他图像格式,到WAV、Vorbis、Flac等音频格式,或者是到 LilyPond -另一种排版印刷选项。
MuseScore 有移动版本
MuseScore可以上传乐谱到共享网站 ,程序支持位于。
可以装在iOS 、Android 设备上,帮你快速联系乐感。
[[nodetitle:musescore 速览 - 创作乐章|下一站]]