Unable to uninstall MuseScore 4 in Windows 11

• Aug 8, 2023 - 01:24

I'm experiencing problems when trying to uninstall MuseScore 4 from Windows 11 Pro 22H2. Whenever I try to run the link "Uninstall MuseScore" under "MuseScore 4" folder, I get a prompt saying "The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable" and ask for an alternate path to the file 'MuseScore-'. I get the same result when runing it as admin.
I have verified that the file is neither in C:\Program Files\MuseScore 4 nor in any other location on my machine. Does anyone know how to solve the problem, or tell me how to get the missing file.

Attachment Size
MuseScore 4 Uninstall Prompt.png 100.23 KB


In reply to by Thomas Gapender

Your images are of the HUB which is not where you uninstall anything.
I assume (as mentioned above) you guys have gone to "All Apps" and opened the MuseScore4 folder and hit uninstall. Next would be the long process of deleting all the folders. Some of them are "hidden". So you need to go to Control panel>File Explorer Options>View>Show hidden files and folders>OK.

Then run a search of your hard drive for Musescore4. When the search is done, delete what is found.

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