How to add leading space when staves have different time signatures

• Mar 2, 2016 - 18:35

I want to move the last (B7) chord (in the bass clef) way over to the right, so it's to the RIGHT of the last note (B) in the treble clef. Note that the upper staff has a local time signature. Is there a way to do this?

Related to this, if I break this measure to put it on a separate line, and hide the 10/4 time signature (which I want to do), the 10/4 time signature shows at the end of the previous system. Is there a way to stop this behavior?





I don't understand this notation, and suspect other musicians reading it wouldn't either. If you want ten beats in the measure, shouldn't there be ten beats in both staves? Seeing five beats in the top staff above a chord of only two beats is confusing to me. If the idea is that the top staff is trying to show something not played in time, you could use tuplets for the top staff. If you really want this notation, rather than using a loca tie signature, I'd suggest changing the actual duration to 10/4 as suggested above, then hiding the beats you don't want to show in the bottom staff.

The advantage of this would be many:

1) easier to read
2) no need to worry about the limitations and bugs associated with local time signatures
3) you could easily enter chords to line up however you want, no need to mess with manually shifting thngs around to get an alignhment that happens to look right today but would probably be off if the layout every changes in the future

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


I didn't finalize the notation. The notes in the treble staff will be "small." Basically it's a little cadenza to be played freely, not in strict time. I'd prefer to notate it with those time values. I've seen similar passages in Urtext editions of (for example) the Chopin Nocturnes.

Would this info change your suggested alternatives?



In reply to by darkstream

Not really. I was guessing that eventually you might want to make those small for that reason, and that;s actually why I described how I'd do it. You shouldn't be messing with local time signatures or with manually positioning for this purpose. Setting actual duration and hiding what you want would be far superior for the reasons I gave.

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