Beam angle w/ rest involved

• Mar 8, 2016 - 18:57

Thanks for taking the time to read this question (my first):

In a descending set of notes with a beam/beams (e.g. 8th notes) there is a desired angle of the beam linking them.
My question involves for example instead of having four 8th notes descending there are two, and then an 8th rest, and then one final 8th note. Now the beam will break up, but in changing the beam attributes of the rest to be linked to the beam it will not break up. With this the beam becomes not angled at all as originally will happen with four notes in sequence with no rest. I can not seem to figure out how to achieve the initial angling of the beam once a rest has been inserted in the middle of it. Any suggestions? Thanks ;)


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That does it. Thanks.

Is there a way to have this be a default thing tso that the default angle that occurs is instantiated every time and less "mouse-activity" has to be used, or is this something that must be manually dragged around each time?

Update: It seems that the default slant is given when setting the "user-position" in the inspector to 1.00sp in the first box (or the second depending on upward/downward), and I've also noticed from switching from Horizontal to User-Position may not automatically set the setting and requires a change of the value for it to be displayed properly even if the value is already set to a slanted value.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

This is the obvious answer! Thank you. To clarify further, I was hoping somehow to edit a setting so that whatever angle that would occur initially without the rest would also be applied here without having to manually enter it via the mouse.

For anyone reading, in order to stay away from the mouse as much as possible: go into edit mode via CTRL + E and then use the Arrow keys. Also, use TAB to switch to different points of variability. The question then is how do you select the element (e.g., a slur, or the beam of a note) without initially using the mouse to click it?

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