Formating dotted grace note

• Mar 18, 2016 - 06:36

Please, advice how to make proper distance from dotted grace note - dot is on note (see image).
Dotted Grace Note problem.png


It seems that there are 2 voices

the upper one using small head notes....but there should be a rest for the second half of the measure. These are not grace notes : grace notes are added as ornaments...

the lower one with usual head notes

We'd understand more easily with the mscz file.....

Confirmed wrong placement of dots on grace notes on Win7 with 2.0.2

It's even more obvious when you have two grace notes attached to the same chord and make them both dotted; Both dots end up at the same location. If no issue exists for it already, please add the bug report to the issue tracker (…)

@robert: although you could get visually a similar result using voices, the playback and meaning is quite different. This image is the exact result you get when inputting grace notes.

In reply to by jeetee

I agree the layout is bad if you try using dotted grace notes, but I see no indication that these are in fact grace notes, and indeed, there is no musical context I can think of in which a dotted grace note makes sense, and no way a musician seeing such a thing would be able to guess the intended effect. As far as I can tell, the original probably *was* meant to show multiple voices (or, more likely, an alternate interpretation to be used on a repeat), not grace notes. So using grace notes to enter this would be incorrect here, and pretty much always. Assuming you are copying an existing score, posting a scan of it with a little more context would help.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Actually, there is a use for dotted 'grace' notes, in notating (as opposed to using the ornament symbol) the punctierte Schleifer or 'dotted slide', a complicated ornement popular in the rococo period (1750-80). In one example by C.P.E. Bach, the notation is a beamed dotted-eighth-and-sixteenth, in small notes without slashes.

This is the best I could do quickly, using the Inspector to move the dot on that eighth note to the proper position.

double schleifer.png

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