Not able to correctly notate E sharp and B sharp in keys with two or more sharps

• May 4, 2011 - 23:59
S4 - Minor

MuseScore 1.0
Fedora 12
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create simple score in D major
2. Enter E several times and try to change to E sharp with cursor.
3. Enter B several times and try to change to B sharp with cursor.
Issue #1:
Expected behaviour: E changes to E sharp, B changes to B sharp
Actual behaviour: E changes to F natural, B chagnes to C natural. You have to drag accidental from menu bar.
Expected behaviour: when E sharp and B sharp are repeated only first one should have accidental.
Actual behaviour: All the notes have accidentals.
Workaround: You can hide courtesy/incorrect accidentals.
For the issue demo please look at the attachment.

Attachment Size
e-sharp.mscz 1.52 KB


Just a note on the workaround - no dragging required. If you prefer using the mouse, you can simply double click the accidental. Even better, just assign a keyboard shortcut (Edit->Preferences->Shortcuts). Then it's a single keystroke, just like hitting a cursor key.

It's true that it's a pain to enter more than one of these in a measure, though. Someone once suggested to me adding the accidentals in *reverse* order, and this helps. That is, first enter the E's and B's with no accidentals. Then go to the *last* E and make it sharp. Then go back to the second-to-last and do the same, etc. This helps

But if it were possible to come up with a more straightforward method, that would be great. Elsewhere, it had been suggested that accidentals should be 'sticky" in the same way they are when reading (for the duration of the measure). So if you enter an E#, the next E you enter would default to being E#. Same for "ordinary" accidentals, too, of course. I'd usually prefer this mode of entry over the current method where it keeps resetting to the native pitch for the key.

Yes. See also #13313: Up/down arrows should prefer diatonic note spellings, #7510: Up/Down arrows skip diatonic notes for some key signatures, and other issues and threads as referenced in those issues. The current behaviors aren't bugs; they are just less than ideal in some people's opinion (including mine). I think there were some good suggestions tossed about in those other issues. But they get pretty involved - significant changes to the interface being proposed. THis issue describes a relatively simple case, and I think it could be implemented with little or no downside: make up arrow after E or B create E# or B# if F or C are not diatonic.

Status (old) active closed

As far as I call tell, this has been fixed for some time. Tested with self-build from masters as of 8/1/2013. Marking as closed.