How change staff name text size?

• May 5, 2011 - 15:14

When I change paper size from a A3 to A4 and change scale all text sizes are updated, but instrument names stay a big. How change this? I tried replace it in "Edit Text Style", but when i'm click "apply" or "ok" is nothing changes. In addition, at the end of work on the score, I would like to upgrade the style of a text, but as I said earlier, nothing changes.


Text styles are a bit flaky in 1.0, but there are usually ways to get the job done.

For *some* items, like chord symbols and measure numbers, changes in text style won't show up immediately but will next time you close and re-open the file.

For other items, like ordinary staff text, it works to select one, right click, make the change via Text Properties, and check the option to apply to all items of that type.

For some items, like dynamics, it seems you have to edit them one at a time.

For staff names, what seems to be necessary is to set it *before* creating or naming the staff. So it's useful to have a template already set up with staff name sizes the way you like, and use that as the basis for future scores where possible. But to change size on an existing score, you have to change the names of each staff one by one. It takes some trial and error, but I find it generlly works to make the change in the text style, save, close, reload, then delete the old name of each staff one by one and replace. If you're lucky, you'll see the size of the cursor change after deleting the last character of the old name.

Fortunately, all of this gets a *lot* better in the 2.0, it appears.

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