C. Guillet, 6 Fantasies à 4 parties (1610) FOR VERSION 2.0

• May 27, 2011 - 00:57

This is the first score of some size I made entirely with version 2.0 (a.k.a. trunk), without importing a previous ver. 1.0 score. DO NOT OPEN WITH VERSION 1.0: it will not work.

This is mainly intended to show that version 2.0 is already working enough to produce some substantial work. The score uses some of the new version 2.0 features: section break, running headers and footers, 'special' time signatures, small accidentals.

The pieces included are the first 6 of a set of "24 fantasies à quatre parties" by Charles Guillet, as published in 1610 by P. Ballard. The author is not particularly well-know and these fantasies are purely contrapunct (and inherently modal, rather than tonal) works, so they may sound unusual to some listener. The whole collection contains 12 fantasies, one for each mode, and another 12, one for each mode transposed "per b molle".

An interesting details is that Guillet's introduction (not included in the score) explicitly excludes the use of musica ficta; the same introduction links this work to works by Zarlino and Salina.

For simplicity, the four parts are 'mixed' to a string quartet, but the second voice (and sometime also the third) exceeds the range of a violin (and of a viola); a quartet of viols is possibly a better solution.

Enjoy (perhaps...)


Attachment Size
Guillet_Fantasies_1-6.mscz 79.76 KB


This is art! I hope they use this as one of the demo scores for v2.0. What instrument(s) were these written for?

Now, I found most of the special features being used, except the "special" time sig. Where was that?

In reply to by schepers


No specific instrument is given; one option could be inferred by the fact the Guillet was an organist and, in the dedication to Carlos de Fonseca, he quotes having played (a first version of?) them at de Fonseca's mansion, presumably on a keyboard instrument.

An element against this is that the work is published in four separate parts: while with a lot of practice (and a wiiiiide music stand!) it is possible to play on a keyboard from 4 separate booklets, it is not the the most reasonable choice if playing on a keyboard was the primary destination.

It should be noted that score layout (as opposed to separate part booklets) for polyphonic pieces was not unheard of; for instance Gardano published in 1577 a score version of Rore's 4-voice madrigals with no text and an explicit destination per sonar d'ogni sorte d'Istrumento perfetto ("to be played with any kind of 'perfect instrument'" that is keyboard). Another example is the Partitura delli sei libri de madrigali a 5 ("Score of the 6 books of 5-voice madrigals") di C. Gesualdo, published by Pavoni (Genova) in 1613. So, if keyboard was the primary intended destination, a score layout would/could have been preferred.

So, another very reasonable option would be any consort of four instruments; we have played a few of them on four viols and they come out nicely enough.

"Special" time signature:

Have you noted that most pieces have a 'cut C' time signature, but measures contain 4 minims, rather 2? I obtained this by:
1) setting a 4/2 time signature
2) right-clicking on it
3) selecting "Time Signature properties..."
4) checking "Alla breve symbol"

On previous MuseScore version(s), it was possible to reach the same visual appearance, but with more work:
1) setting a 4/2 time signature
2) making it invisible
3) dropping a 'cut C' symbol on top of it from the symbol palette (Z)
4) positioning the symbol at its intended position

the last step was the most cumbersome, as really precise positioning required to open the textual .mscx file, locating the symbol data and editing by hand the X/Y values stored there.

Version 2.0 also helps in this by providing edit boxes where to write precise X/Y offsets for 'nudged' elements: I used this feature to position the small accidentals above the staves.

Using as a demo:

Thanks for appreciating! As the score is released under the Creative Commons by-sa license, it can be used in almost any way, but I expect more 'demonstrative' demos will appear in the future (or perhaps they exist already).

The specific point in showing this score is that it has been done using ONLY version 2.0, it is not a port from 1.0; and I have to say I suffered remarkably few crashes while creating it.

Thanks to you and to LMRULZ for your words of appreciation!


In reply to by Anonymous

If you are seeing some error loading this score under 1.0, then report it. It's not that big of a score. (Note, it is for version 2.0 of MS only, not the 1.0 release. When you open it under 1.0 you will get a message about "too large").

In reply to by Anonymous

This score has been made with version 2.0 (a.k.a. trunk). It will not work with version 1.0.

My version 1.0, when attempting to open this score, shows the error message:

"Cannot read this score:
your version of MuseScore is too old".

This is the expected error message for a score created with a more recent version. It does not say anything about the score being too large.

If you indeed use version 1.0, would you mind to check the exact error message?



In reply to by Miwarre

"This is the expected error message for a score created with a more recent version. It does not say anything about the score being too large."

If you say ok to the first message about MS being too old, the second window will say at the end "result too large". If you're not paying attention this might be misread to be about the score size and not the version numbers. Personally, I don't see the usefulness of this second error window as it only confuses things, and makes you click OK twice when opening newer scores in the wrong version.

In reply to by schepers

I have never seen this second error window: when I press [OK] on the first, nothing else happens and the programme is ready to get a new command.

I am using both the released version 1.0 and the latest SVN revision of it, both under Win XP.


In reply to by Miwarre

I see why you don't see the second dialog box. It only comes up when you click on the score from the desktop (icon) or through thr web links, but not through Open or Open Recent. Another bug to report?

Second Error Window

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