basic MIDI setup help

• May 10, 2016 - 15:10

Hi. I'm a novice when it comes to both musescore and MIDI, so I need all the help I can get. Here is the issue. I'm using MuseScore 2.0.2. I'm using a Yamaha moX8 keyboard. I'm using Roland UM-ONE midi cables and driver. The computer is a PC and uses Windows 10. I can't get the keyboard to talk to MuseScore. In fact, it would appear that the computer does not even recognize that I have a device plugged into it. I thought this would happen automatically, but since it didn't, I put in the UM-ONE driver CD, which told me it wasn't compatible. So, I went online to Roland UM-ONE and downloaded a driver. The computer said I should unplug the USB and that it was complete. I thought this was weird, but unplugged it. After a few moments, I plugged the USB back in and opened MuseScore. I selected the measure and tried playing notes on the keyboard with no response. I also tried a button on screen that looks like a MIDI input icon, but got nothing via this route either. Please help. I am trying to play in some music so that I don't have to do such a slow point and click mouse entry method.
Frustrated User


Have you read the Handbook to learn how note input works in MuseScore? You can't simply play notes; you need to first enter note input mode, then select the duration for the first note, then play that note, etc.

Also, be sure to plug in the keyboard before starting MuseScore.

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