Upgrade question

• May 22, 2016 - 02:25

I need one of the fixes in post-2.0.1 (the pizzicato channel for the viola da gamba), but I am hesitant to download the upgrade to 2.0.3 in case it wipes out my existing 2.0.1 version. I need to keep the old version untouched and usable in this computer so that files created using it won't inadvertently change when opened with a newer version (as that flushes all our proofreading work down the drain).

I can't remember if this is an issue or not; can someone remind me? Thanks.


In reply to by Recorder485

Just don't install to the Default Location "C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2" but to something like "C:\Program Files (x86)\MuseScore 2.0.3"

Or use the portable app, either thr 2.0.3 one or upgrade to 2.0.3 and use an older portable app for our older scores. All available via the download page, more or less directly.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks, Jojo, I'll change the name and give it a try that way. Worst-case scenario, I'll have to remember where the devil Microsoft hid System Restore on this box.

Portable 'Apps' I don't really understand too well; I don't have a tablet, and I don't even try to run MuseScore on my Blackberry. That thing has the memory of a Commodore 64, and takes close to a minute to load the weather forecast. But it makes phone calls and sends texts right through a foil-insulated concrete wall, which my teenage son's I-phone won't ('Dammit, Dad! The Cold War is over!').... ;o)

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