request help with snare drum bar line position

• Sep 20, 2016 - 20:18

At page 19/measure 106 of the attached (from Act II of La bohème), a small band starts playing on-stage in 2-4 time, with the pit orchestra still in 3-4.
In order to replicate the original score appearance, I manually inserted additional bar lines in the on-stage band parts. However, the snare drum manually-entered bar lines do not center on the staff in the manner of the automatic bar lines. How can I correct this alignment problem?
Everything that I do attempting to correct the alignment only makes things worse. Sometimes the undesirable result becomes "un-reversable" and I have to exit without saving and re-open to clear the problem.
MuseScore 2.03, Windows 10


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Quando me'n vo'.mscz 192.22 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

I agree completely regarding Ahh Choir, and in smaller pieces I am inclined to substitute other sounds. (in my transcriptions of Wagner opera numbers, I use trombone+bassoon for the bass-baritone solo voice.) However, in a piece that already calls for oboes, flutes, etc. in the orchestra, plus a large number of vocal staves, I tend to stay with Ahh Choir for vocal lines just so that the vocals remain distinct from the instruments.
Again, thanks very much,

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