Changing the Size of Symbols

• Nov 8, 2011 - 03:13

Is there a way to do this? For example, I'd like the whole diamond head to be much bigger.


You can change the size of many symbols, but, as far as I know, individual note heads. You could fake it by placing the sumbol as ordinary text, though, jsing the F2 text symbol palette. But I'm a but confused - you want a notehead that takes up more than one line/space on the staff?

In reply to by Splops

If it's just about the diamond head, you can right click on each diamond notehead -> note properties -> and check small. Then go to style > Edit general style > Size > put the size of small notes over 100%

When you get around to enhancements: Please make it possible to have a chord of 2 notes, one of them big and the other small. Why? I'm writing out an alto recorder part that goes too low for the instrument. I want to indicate with a small note head an alternate that can be played on the alto recorder---but if you happen to have a flute in your hands with a wider range, then you can see by the large note head which is the proper note according to the original.

Yes, there may be some way to add another voice as a workaround, but if we could just set the NOTE property to the "SMALL NOTE" instead of the whole CHORD property to be small, that would be much easier.

And if you do it, let me know and I'll send you a $5 donation. Thanks for a great music program.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

When I went to donate, PayPal said:

> This recipient is currently unable to receive money.

A good thing to fix, when you get time. ;)

So, if there's an ALTERNATE note written small, one question is which one MuseScore should sound on playback. I can imagine another NOTE property that indicates this note is silent on playback. But you probably have bigger fish to fry.

In reply to by Shoichi

Great support. Glad you've got that feature AND that you explained it on your web help page so nicely, AND that you responded so quickly.

I see that your PayPal donation link has gone away completely. I hope that it'll get fixed for you sometime. It's the easiest way for people to send you donations. Flatr takes 10% off the top, then the bank transfer at your end takes some percent off the bottom, so it doesn't seem efficient.

In the meantime, PayPal also allows sending money to your bank in Belgium (I would pay a small fee). Before I do that, I'd like to hear from you that you think it would go through on your side: Take a look at their description:…

If this works for you, then perhaps advertise it on your donations page. I saw the total donations aren't that big so far. I'm sorry to hear that. Perhaps Google ads on your site??

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