Preludes with cleaner printing.

• Nov 21, 2011 - 04:38

I forgot to show in large open position harmonies that I wanted either 2 hands or to be arpeggiated.I write so much and print so much that I get lazy.No excuse for it .please forgive my oversights . I will look at the rest at sometime but I demand things that any pianist will realize are necessary and if they r familiar with the literature especially 20th century there should be no mysteries. Thank all of you for being so diligent it is rewarding to have others viewing & listening to my work.I certainly mean to hear more of the interesting things that are being done here myself by others.

It will be necessary to write music one days that is only for machines .That would push the sound and possibilities .I have of course not written any 4,5 ,6 hand music at one keyboard yet.@pianos and 4 hand at one keyboard is great fun just have not started any music for such combinations yet.Thanks to all of you again!

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