Smaller duet part for four-hand score?

• Nov 10, 2016 - 03:24

Is there a way to create a second (and smaller) "teacher duet" part that continues on the bottom of each page of a score, as in the attached image?

Attachment Size
Nobody Knows.pdf 38.04 KB


In reply to by Shoichi

Thanks so much, and I can see what you're saying, but I'm not convinced it's the solution. In the image in my original post, the primary (student) part has 3 systems on one page, and the second (teacher) part has 2 small-staff systems (and 1 staff only). And obviously the primary part is at the top and secondary at the bottom. Can your solution duplicate this, and fairly easily?


In reply to by darkstream

- add as suggested a second piano (shortcut "i"; maybe remove the treble clef staff in the instrument dialogue after adding),
- enter the notes for the primary part
- from the measure behind the last measure oft this part you've entered, enter the notes for the second part in the added instrument
- use as suggested hide empty staves, don't forget to deselect "don't hide empty staves in the first system"
- for a small staff: rightclick on the staff -> stave properties -> select "small stave"

see attached example

(note: it's better to use a section break in measure 12 instead of the line break)

Attachment Size
Score.mscz 11.77 KB

In reply to by darkstream

Yes, this is not hard. You would need to plan out the line and page breaks so as to interprese the teacher parts *within* the body of the piece, but once you've done that, use of "Hide empty staves" and small staff sizes would do the job.

Or, do each version separately with different page sizes, then export to PNG, SVG, or PDF and combine the results in a page layout program.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks for your help...I think I've got it. I'm inserting the second part into the first part and hiding empty staves. However, measure numbers are still obviously sequential. Am I correct that I must turn off automatic measure numbering and insert measure numbers manually?

In reply to by darkstream

You are right to add the end of each part a section break.

When your score on the second page continues, select the first measure of this part, rightclick -> measure properties...
Enter the right number into the field "add to measure number" (in your example "12" for part one (students part) and click the ok button.

note: instead of the section break you can also add a page break at the end of the second part, if you want that the teachers part should always stay at the end of a page.

In reply to by kuwitt

Wonderful! Thank you so much! One final question: how do I add a time signature at the beginning of my second (small staff) part? Somehow I managed to add one before, but it seemed to screw things up. Is there a way to add a time signature as a visual cue that doesn't affect anything else?

In reply to by darkstream

I'm following up on this thread re: a new score (reminder: this is a piano score with a student's part and a teacher's part). This time, I want to split the parts so the student's score is shown first, with the teacher's part (using small staves) following it.

**I've created a second instrument (piano) for the teacher's part so I can use small staves for the teacher's part. I obviously DO want to hide the empty staves of the teacher's part before it begins.
**However, the student's part has some empty staves, but I DON'T want these hidden.

I can't seem to do both these things. Is there a solution?


In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks to all, and I apologize, but I think I'm not being clear.

I have two grand staff parts (top for student, bottom for teacher). Ultimately I want the student's part (normal size) to be shown first, and the teacher's part (small staves) to be shown last.

I DON'T want any staves of the student's part hidden UNTIL that part ends and the teacher's part begins (at that point I want to hide the student's part entirely).

But I DO want to hide the teacher's part during the student's part.

Remember, the only reason I'm not using one grand staff is that I want the teacher's part to use small staves.

I've attached an image showing the transition between the student's and the teacher's parts.

Any solutions? :-)

Attachment Size
Trouble (Forum 1).png 472.35 KB

In reply to by darkstream

The solution already given should work - plant invisible content in voice 2 for the measures you don't to hide.

Although if this is something you intend to do for more than a single short example, I wouldn't use this approach at all - I mean, trying to fake everything using Hide empty staves. Instead, I'd make the student and teacher version separate parts of a master score that shows both normally. i'd set a page size for the parts that reflects how you want them combined, then export both student and teacher parts to PDF or some other graphic format, then combine them in a page layout program. This to me is the more sustainable long term solution.

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