Who has the smallest one? (CPU)

• Mar 29, 2009 - 17:27

We are trying to get the minimum requirement to run MuseScore on Linux and Windows. So here is a little poll. Can you give the CPU on which you are running musescore together with the OS?
I'm running it on my laptop with Vista and a core2duo T7500...


My own PC is not representative, Fast, Vista, Very good sound board and extentions, etc...
So, I opened up the museum of my test bed room at office, I find an old Dell Optiplex GX1-450+.
This is a Pentium III 450 Mhz with 256 Mb Ram.
I setup it with Windows XP Pro Fr Sp3, standard applications, Office 2k3, Jre 6u10, antivirus (McAfee 8.5i), and other things people can use in a personnal use.
At least, install stable release of MuseScore 0.9.4, configured as my own preferences as at home, but with only the integrated SoudFont... MuseSore is working !
Second test, removing 0.9.4, cleaning registry, and install r1667 prerelease, same preferences, open one of my recent score, 11 A4 pages, 182 measures, SATB with piano, MuseScore is running, deleting notes, moving, hearing, and printing.
In conclusion, MuseScore is able to run on a cheap PC on Windows.

Enjoy! And Have luck during the Musik Messe.

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