
• Feb 5, 2012 - 20:08

Good morning. I have entered two voices. My Question is can I now select all the notes in only one voice, I have tried and only seem to be able to select all like items e.g all the notes.
I would like to select only the 3rd voice notes( I chose 3rd because stems all go down) and make them small notes.
I have attache a copy of a finished song that I have typed in for my mum who has very low vision.

Attachment Size
KF 47 Here O My Lord I see Thee.mscz 3.53 KB


Right click a note in the voice you want to select, then choose Select->More... and check the "same voice" option.

Btw, voice three goes up by default - your example is actually using voice two for the small downstem notes.

In reply to by [DELETED] 765056

Not that I know of. You can make them all completely stemless, however, by right clicking, note properties, stemless.

Btw, as someone who has worked wih visually impaired students, I am curious - how does making the notes and stems smaller help in this case?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I am not sure. I do know that she wanted the main note stem pointing up all the time and that she adds different chords to a lot of music
As far as I know from what mum says the little note is just an assistant to remind her of a different chord that can be played.
I believe she actually plays it before she sees it. She has always had music and says she can not play by memory but I believe she does a lot by memory and this is just a crutch. Since she was about to give up playing the whole family was worried so anything that can be done to keep her life long passion alive we will do.
If you have a friend who has worked with low vision does he/she have any suggestion for large music available.

In reply to by [DELETED] 765056

I don't have contact with any but the completely blind student. She probably knows a thing or two, though, so I'll ask her and let you know. Most likely, though, she will know about large print editions of classical music, not likely about fakebook-style arrangements of hymns as in your examples.

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