File 32a-Notations.xml in Reinhold Kainhofers unofficial MusicMXL testsuite import without the notations marked "angled fermata", "square fermata", "str.-acc.", "det.-leg.", "spiccato", "caesura", "delayed turn" and "snp.-pizz.". All are actually supported by MuseScore, although names may differ.
Partial fix (import more fermata types) in 0.9.6 branch revision 5292.
Fixed in 0.9.6 branch revision 5301. Trunk still todo (#14861: [MusicXML import] [trunk] import error: 32a-Notations.xml: missing notations).
Export also still todo (#14862: [MusicXML] [1.2] Export notations imported by issue 14827).
Automatically closed -- issue fixed for 2 weeks with no activity.