Can Anybody help Me Tidy This Score Up?

• Feb 12, 2012 - 21:31

Somebody very kindly sent me the attached arrangement of a folk tune. It was in PDF format.

I want to make some changes to it so wanted to import it into Musescore.

I used a piece of software called PDFtomusic Pro to produce musicXML output from the PDF. Then I imported the musicXML file into Musescore. The result is attached.

As you can see there are some problems particularly with the placement of bar lines - bar 5 is a good example. In simplistic terms I want to move the bar line to where it belongs but Musescore won't let me. Nor can I delete it. Interestingly, if I select the bar the blue box is drawn around the correct set of notes, but if I inspect the measure properties it say it is a nominal 4/4 bar but an actual 1/4 bar.

Can anybody point me in the right direction or is it likely to be easier to just key it in from scratch?

Attachment Size
Eliz Iza Gaeltacht.mscz 4.57 KB


It would seem that the score is hopelessly corrupted - trying to fix by inserting empty bars and copy and pasting is resulting in notes changing duration value!


I'm very grateful for your time and trouble. I really wasn't expecting anyone to do it for me. I was just hoping for some pointers. If you can do so without having to go into minute detail, can you tell me what was wrong and how you corrected it?

Again, many thanks

In reply to by fatwarry

I used a version of MuseScore close to MuseScore 1.2. The MusicXML import is nicer. I got some problem though and solves them by inserting a measure before the bad one and entering it again. The main issue was that the MusicXML is wrong about some tuplets like half and 2 eight notes in a tuplet.

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