staff replicated uselessly

• Mar 14, 2012 - 05:07

Attached is a Bach fugue midi I found on the web
When I read it into musescore the treble clef has the bass uselessly replicated.
Happens in both musescore 1.0 and 1.1. System is debian

When I do it with other midi reading scorewriters (like nted) it does it correctly so does not seem to be a problem with the midi file

Attachment Size
bach_wtc1_f04.mid 12.38 KB


I loaded the file into Sonar 3 and was able to establish that it is because the MIDI file has the bassline duplicated in a separate track, albeit both tracks are assigned to channel 1.

This suggests that "other midi-reading scorewriters" were converting by channel - not the best means of faithfully capturing a MIDI file's data.

MuseScore was in fact faithfully interpreting the data it had received.

It is always as well to examine a MIDI file in sequencing software before attempting to import into MuseScore, Finale et al.

MIDI files are performance data, and usually require some form of cleanup if they are to be imported into scorewriting software successfully.

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