Corruption when re-opening files, (tuplets)

• Mar 19, 2012 - 13:46

I am having problems when re-opening files.

I create two pages of music, (snare and bass drum). I save the file, then I print it and it is perfect. I then close out and later when I re-open the file I find that many of the measures are wrong. There are multiple bar lines in some measures, the quintuplets that I had created will be missing the #5 above the bracket, etc.... I have read that copying and pasting tuplets could be the root of this. My dilemma is that I am writing a drum instruction book that is very repetitive and contains tuplets in ever measure, therefore using cut and paste is necessary. Not to mention that what I am doing is creating a two page template so to speak and then going back through and making rhythmic changes and re-saving as a new file. Each time I re-open a file I have to spend a lot of time correcting the template before I can even begin to do the rhythmic changes.

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance,


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I am using 1.1, and was not aware there is a newer version. I just started using musescore this month. Looks like I need to upgrade then!

I am assuming that my previous files created in 1.1 will still be accessible in 1.2 correct?

I just looked up at the top of the screen and saw free download of 1.2! Duh!


Most likely, the specific file or files you are having problems with has become corrupted somehow. As mentioned, that was unfortunately not infrequent when doing heavy duty editing of triplets n versions of MuseScore prior to 1.2. especially copy/paste of *partial* tuplets - copying he full tuplet usuaully worked fine. Things should should be a lot better now - 1.2 won't create corruption in some cases where 1.1 would, and will disallow you from doing certain things that might have otherwise caused corruption. So going forward, using 1.2 should definitely help a lot. Unfortunately, for your existing work created in prior versions, once the corruption is there, it cannot automatically be repaired. The solution is usually to find the corrupt measures, delete the, insert new measures to take their place, and re-enter the contents. It might also be possible to go onto the MSCZ using a ZIP program, exteact the MSCX text file from within it, and edit that by hand with a text editor, if you happen to have the patience to sort through what might going on. The format isn't documented, but it is "reasonably" self explanatory. Depending on how much work has gone into the files already and how bad the corruption is, it might or might not be worth the effort of trying to repair that way.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you Marc, I think I will upgrade to 1.2 and see if that solves the problems.

As far as my pre-existing work goes, the corrections will only take about 30 minutes so I will do that manually by removing measures and replacing them as I have done before.

Thanks for all your help.

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