Should implode combine arbitrary material?

• Apr 19, 2012 - 06:17
S5 - Suggestion
by design

Using implode, I find that many notes are not being transferred. For example, in my first measure, the first staff has two beats of rests, during which the second staff has quarter notes. I would expect the result to replace the rests in the first staff with the notes from the second staff. Am I misunderstanding? Thanks if you can clarify. If what I'm describing sounds like normal use, I can provide more detail.


I think you have misunderstood the function of Implode:-

From the Plugin's page:-
The "Implode" plugin performs the opposite function: it takes staves containing lines with identical rhythms and combines them all into chords on one staff.

If one part has rests and the other notes, then the rhythms are not identical.

If you want to combine two differing rhythms you have to use the Exchange Voices dialogue and Copy & Paste appropriately.

Please mark as closed if you have no furhter questions :)

The limitations of the plugin framework are such that creating new notes is not really feasible. So no, the plugin cannot take a note from one staff and place it where there was only a rest in the original. All it can do is "stack" additional notes onto existing chords. The whole concept relies on the music being "homophonic" - all parts having the same rhythm, just different pitches. This is pretty much required anyhow if you want music to be in the same voice.

It,s hard for me to image what kind of situations one might encounter where one would have staves with different rhythm but nevertheless expect to see them somehow combined into one voice. The whole point of a voice is to represent a single rhythm; simultaneous multiple rhythms require separate voices, and indeed, that is the whole point of that facilty.

So it seems I may have misunderstood the nature of what you were trying to do when I first suggested the implode plugin. I'm going to close this issue, since the plugin does work as it is supposed to. But you might respond back in your original thread and give an example of what you are doing and explain how you envision the different rhythms being combined and why you think appropriate for this to be done within a single voice.