TTF font for ver 1.2 to match figured bass font of ver. 2.0

• Jul 7, 2012 - 17:11


Attached is a TTF font I made matching (actually re-using!) the glyph shapes in the figured bass font included in MuseScore ver 2.0.

It is a stand-alone font but it is intended to be used with MuseScore ver. 1.2, which does not have a specific figured bass feature.

The ZIP file contains:

  • the TTF font itself
  • a PDF with the symbol mapping to keys
  • Usage:

    0. Install the font in your operating system as for normal fonts (once for all)
    1. When you need a f.b. indication in MuseScore, add to the score some kind of text (staff text, lyrics, harmony, ...)
    2. Select the right font (appears as "MScore1BC" in font drop lists)
    3. Enter the desired symbols



    1) Glyphs have been scaled to take most of the glyph cell height; this to allow stacking several symbols one below the other simply by pressing [Enter]. As a consequence a rather small point size should be used (usually around 7 or 8 pt).

    2) Mapping is intended to be mnemonic, based on the 1 - 0 ordering of keyboard top key row and should work both with QWERTY and with AZERTY keyboard.

    3) Figured bass can be entered using which ever MuseScore text type, but I got the overall best results using Harmony ([Ctrl]-[K]).

    4) If that particular text type is not (or very rarely) used elsewhere in the same score (for instance, Harmony has little use in a score featuring a basso continuo...), you may set the corresponding text style up to use the right font, size, vert. placement once for all, avoiding to tune each entry.

    5) Unless you use lyrics for basso continuo (which introduces some other complications), continuation lines have to be entered manually using the '_' character in the font (better done at the end when the score has reached a global proper formatting setup).

    6) Ver. 1.2 lacks the automatic vertical alignment of f.b. symbols present in ver. 2.0; for this reason, glyphs have been sort of 'mono-spaced' and should align correctly by themselves most of the times.

    Hoping someone will find it useful...


Attachment Size 34.31 KB


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