Violin concerto #3 Slow movement

• Oct 2, 2012 - 07:48

not exactly a mess but my imagination is not Unsuk Chin or Pierre boulez. I really am using a lotta instruments but im not using them.I try to use the brass and winds with strings but i feel the interludes are not always compelling.Any theme can make good music but the argument here is not interesting enough.I want special timbres and combinations .work is all I can offer.My other 2 violin concerti are languishing without finales no. 2 has no solo part how funny is that?Meanwile my cello concerto sounds really old fashioned compared to my newer ideas . It has some jazz Messiaen in it so it too will get better.Im learning how to work on no more than 2 pieces at a time!
am trying to write interesting trombone and the wonderful sound on muse of french horns and oboes and english horns demands more imagination from me little brain!

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