Crash when no note length selected

• Jun 18, 2009 - 15:51
S2 - Critical
  1. Open or create new score
  2. Click on the empty part of a measure to select it
  3. Press N to begin note entry (notice no note length is selected)
  4. Click on staff to add note

MuseScore crashes. (Tested using prerelease r.1869, and self-built r.1879, Windows XP)

Probably the fact that a note duration is not selected in step 3 is the part that needs fixing.

(First reported by windy: )


Sorry, I left out some details.

In step 2 select the first measure of the piece

In step 4 add a few notes to the second or third measure of the piece using the mouse.

Status (old) fixed active

Crash is still reproducible if the selected measure contains notes.

  1. Open demo score (promenade.mscx)
  2. Click on the empty part of measure 1 to select it (blue rectangle appears around measure)
  3. Press N to begin note entry (notice no duration is selected)
  4. Click anywhere on the staff with the mouse

(Tested using r.1890 self-built, Windows XP)