Musescore Won't Even Open.

• Nov 27, 2012 - 20:35

I tried reverting to factory settings, I tried a total reboot of my computer, untinstalling and reinstalling. [I have Windows 7]

What happens is I will click on my musescore shortcut, and the musescore icon will appear in my toolbar, but when I go to click on it, nothing shows up. The computer thinks its up and running but all I see is my desktop background, what do I do?


Did you plug your computer to an external screen or projector lately? If yes, try to select Musescore in the taskbar and press WinDown key+Shift+Right arrow (or left arrow)

Its okay, I fixed it. I noticed when I uninstalled it didn't totally delete all the files still in my Appdata, so before reinstalling I went through making sure all Musescore files were deleted there. I reinstalled and it works now ^.^

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