Left begin repeat bar line won't go in second staff

• Mar 4, 2013 - 04:43
Graphical (UI)
S4 - Minor

In the attached file, I can't add a left bar line in measure 5 (I can, but it only appears in the top staff) all of the bar lines work, but the left (beginning of a repeat section). I just drop it on the measure, it adds to the top staff, but not the bottom one (same thing happens if I drop it on the top of bottom staff). All of the other bar lines work as expected (and show up in both staves). I'm sorry i don't know much about Musescore, but I wanted to post this here in case someone wanted to fix it.

I'm using Musescore 1.2 Revision: 5470

Attachment Size
Come, Come Unto Him.mscz 7.36 KB


I'd cal this a bug. one may want repeat bars without having all barlines being accross the entire stave, even in a piano stave.
And if it is a bug, it is still present in 1.3. It is fixed however in the nightly builds (I tested with cce7968) so this issue can get closed.

Great. . that worked, but I still think there is an issue here.

If i add the left-repeat barline at the beginning of a line, it adds the barline ONLY to the top staff.
If I add the left-repeat barline in any other measure (not the first measure of a line), it adds the barline to all of the staves.

As a new user, this different behavior is troublesome. i guess I don't care which way it is,
but I think it should at least be consistent.