Reheasal Marks Numbers

• Apr 27, 2013 - 14:15

Hi I put bar numbers into my full scores and parts but also like to have rehearsal marks (actually numbers) in their boxes . Not wishing to reopen the debate on the relative merits of rehearsal marks (Yes I've been reading!!!) I have a question regarding parts. The rehearsal boxes (in the parts) are tiny! They almost negate their presence. I have been in the dialogue box "Edit Text Style" and altered the font size for rehearsal marks. It made no difference. I saved and reloaded. No difference. They are the same size as in my full score (and no, I can't alter the size there either ) - not that I've got that much room for manouver with 17 instruments on the page.
Currently I'm going into EACH rehearsal box, in EACH part, highlighting the text and enlarging the size. This is very time consuming.
Now it could be that currently there is no way to alter them but given that the dialogue box indicates otherwise, I have to be missing the B obvious. Can some kind soul please open my eyes?


I'm not sure why you find them tiny, I find them rather large, and that on a decreast space setting.

Also you can changee tham all in one go: right-click -> select -> all similar; right-click -> text properties ...

Attachment Size
test_rehearsal_marks.mscz 1.53 KB

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

In my full score, the rehearsal marks are just font size 7. Very difficult to read. However its the size of the rehearsal marks in the parts that are created from the score that I am on about. They are currently coming out the same as the the score i.e. size 7. Most of my players have eyes considerarbly older than 40 so the rehearsal marks aid their navigation - or rather would do if they were of a readable size.
So how did you set the default size to be so large please - and is it possible to set it for "every part" glabally

Glad you seem to have things working better, but just to clarify a few things:

The default size for rehearsal marks in most templates is pretty large. However, as with most other ext, it scales with your "space" setting. So if you "space" set to a small value (as is common for scores with lots of parts), the rehearsal marks woll be pretty small. They'll be a good size for the score, but a terrible size for the parts, which of course will course will be printed much larger. Unfortunately, in current ersions of MuseScore, rehearsal marks don't automatically resize if you change the "space" value after creating the marks. Neither does most other text - almost *all* text ends up being if you later increase "space".

What I usually - and it's not really fun, but it mostly works - is get my score looking good as a score first. Then I save a separate copy and all it "parts". In this copy I change the "space" back to a reasonable value for parts, also set it portrait mode if the score was landscape. I then go through each type of text - rehearsal mark, staff text, etc - and upsize all elements of that type at one, by using the right click & "apply to all similar" method. For whatever reason, you can't do this for tempo markings, and as I recall, dynamics have to be done individually. But on the positive side, chord symbols do resize automatically. Maybe lyrics too, although I forget.

Anyhow, once I have done all this, I gemerate a test part to see if I got everything. With any luck, the test part will look good right off the bat. If I discover text items not resized, I go back to parts score so I can fix all similar items at once. Only once I am satisfied with my ability to generate a test part do I generate the rest of my parts.

2.0 will be *much* improved on this front. The new text handling is probably the thing I am most looking forward to, but of course, lonked parts will be great too.

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