transposing notes + other ideas topics

• Jun 19, 2017 - 09:45

how about a function where you put a note on instrument and if you want another instrument playing same pitch it tells transposed note? The other one is having a set of chord progressions and then having pre set drums for certain genre's. rock beat, jazz, big band and so on lots of ones. I don't play drums or any other instrument than sax, though I fiddle around with the Casio keyboard I have. when it comes to composing and arranging even 9 years of being in band, those two things aren't my strength yet I always have new ideas/spins on either old songs or just new melodies harmonies in my head. Also when a key signature has sharps or flats I found out you don't need to put in the accidental but if you do does an F# stay an F# or does it become just regular F? I don't know if by putting that accidental next to the note is simply a reminder or if it will change the pitch/note.


If you are writing music for a concert band, which has several transposing instruments, you can write music for the saxophone and copy it to the trumpet and it will be in unison. If you are in transposed mode, the notes will be transposed. If you are in concert pitch mode, the will be the same until you toggle the concert pitch button. Perhaps this will help with the first item.

As far as accidentals are concerned, they last for the remainder of the measure for notes on the same line as is standard in all western music. A second accidental in the same measure is simply a reminder. If you see this, then there is probably a different accidental on the same note in a different octave. It is also possible that another of the same type of instrument has a different accidental and the editor is making it clear that you play what you see and not what you hear. In the same scenario, the conductors score likely has both instruments on the same line and this set of accidentals are necessary on the conductors score and then simply transcribed to the part.

As noted, MuseScore handles transposition automatically. If you are having trouble with some particular aspect of this, feel free to attach your score and describe your problem in more detail. but in general, everything should just work,

As for pre-defined chord progressions, you are welcome to create your own and save them somewhere, or find other musicisn to share them with - would be a good place to do that.

Accidentals, as mentioned, work exactly as per standard music notation - they remain in effect for the rest of the measure, that octave and that staff only.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I know how to read sheet music you two lol I was in band for 9 years. I don't have any piece I was specifically asking. I just have arrangements in my head that I just have trouble figuring out what key they are in my head, then how to actually write what I'm hearing in my head. I'm more thinking not of writing notation for an instrument then using the same line for another, but was more trying to understand what notes I could use on the other instruments playing a different harmony/melody.

In reply to by saxophonejoe

OK, but that's not about transposing, then, but about harmony, no? Anyhow, without a specific example of exactly what you mean, it's hard to understand what exactly you are asking for. It now sounds like maybe you are asking for some sort of artificial intelligence engine to suggest good harmony parts given a melody line?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

well I was asking for both because I was going to try to take a song like sign of the times, but add a lot more trumpets, trombones, saxes etc also change the original key. but I was just wondering for both transposing and harmony. and AI and all this stuff and trying to remember music things I've forgotten, it all just hurts my brain lol. and that would be interesting AI though. some instruments I'd have playing the same thing so I'd have to transpose the music, well without muse score doing it I'd have to, then some other instruments would play the harmonies. right now house of the rising sun is on and I hear trumpets/saxes more flare to the song I guess something like a jazz band but not jazz. I apologize it's really hard to explain what I mean cause I'm not even sure I know what I mean honestly. at certain parts playing triplets then a quarter note with a trill. that's what I hear in my head. I think. if that's the right notation.

In reply to by saxophonejoe

After adding all the instruments you want to use, select "concert" at the top.

Write everything in "C" (concert).

Click on the "Concert Pitch" selection at the top. If it is selected, all instruments will appear in concert.

Deselect Concert Pitch and all instrument will automatically transpose to their proper "key".

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