Song doesn't play and I can't see the Play panel

• Aug 13, 2009 - 15:16

I have just recently downloaded and installed MuseScore on my Ubuntu machine. When I click the play button I get nothing that is played and when I select the Play Panel from the Display menu I don't see the panel anywhere.

Is there some additional plug in I need to download or is this a bug with the linux version.



I've been using MuseScore 0.9.6 on my Vista and it was working perfectly fine. But since two days ago, I cannot get the play panel window to show up. And no sound is beeing played either. (Not even when entering notes.)
I tried reinstallation as well as updating on and even reinstalling an older version. But in no way I could get the sound to work. Seems to be a problem with my OS? I had an automatic update two days ago...
Anybody who has an idea how to deal with it? All other progs using sound (VLC, Skype,etc) are working perfectly fine.
Thanks in advance!

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

..., but I am not really sure how it happened that the preferences got all messed up. All I found out (after several hours of making changes in the preferences) that the folder containing the sound-font got lost. Therefore I had no access to the synthesiser. I got a workaround after checking Edit->Preferences->I/O "Use JACK MIDI for output". Afterwards I got an error, that MuseScore couldn't find the right sound-pattern. After removing the sound-font to the right place, everything was working perfectly fine.
But what I think is strange is, that before solving the problem, there was nothing to select under Edit->Preferences->I/O "Portaudio". (Not that it is important for me now...)
I am glad, everything is working fine again! I love this program!
Thank you for answering!


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