Instrument part longName/shortName restriction

• Jan 11, 2014 - 12:49

I really need to be able to rewrite the instrument part longName/shortName fieldsfrom a plugin. For example, it might be necessary to have Flute 1 and Flute 2 on separate staves.

I do not understand why the names are read-only.

Is this likely to be possible in v2? If not this should be a feature request, although not applicable to most users.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

That doesn't really help. I can understand that MuseScore needs internal names that it understands and perhaps they are only ever overwritten fot the users purposes, but the user can edit the long and short names on a stave, so why can it not be done from a plugin? It doesn't make any sense.

Even if there are technical reasons I think they should be tackled.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, indeed, I did recognise the purpose of your comment, and thank you.

I've just had a nose around the MuseScore code out of interest to see if any obvious reason could be seen. It is all a bit esoteric for me at the moment, and I won't have much time to look at it. I certainly do not intend to change it!

However, for anyone who is working on system.cpp, I noticed a typo in this line (line 639ish):

qDebug("%p System::add(%s, %p): there is alread a barline %p", this, el->name(), el, _barLine);

Should read:

qDebug("%p System::add(%s, %p): there is already a barline %p", this, el->name(), el, _barLine);

My contribution to MuseScore code!

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