Splitting chords into voice parts

• Mar 14, 2014 - 08:15


attached is my score. I simply want to break the chords up (by two) into 5 different voice parts, and rename these voice parts after.

I'm not the best at computers/plugins... can someone tell me if this is possible? I imported a midi to MS to produce the original sheet music, and then amended with notations etc.


In reply to by leigh.kroeger

Your score shows chords of 6 notes. Here's an attachment with the 6 notes 'exploded' using the plugin. You can delete the voice you don't want, and re-name the parts by right clicking on a measure and choosing 'Staff Properties' to enter a name.


Edit: Please delete the horizontal frame at the end to stretch the measures out...

Attachment Size
Wolf.mscz 4.38 KB

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