Deletion of text on pedal line not preserved on save / reload or on custom palette

• May 7, 2014 - 20:25
S4 - Minor

Window 7, GIT commit: c20b96e

1) new score
2) add a pedal marking with the "Ped" symbol
3) right click, Line Properties
4) delete the text for the "Ped" symbol
5) OK - verify "Ped" symbol is gone
6) Save
7) Close
8) Reload

Result: the "Ped" symbol has returned

9) Delete the text again
10) Ctrl+Shift+drag the line to the palette

Result: "Red" returns again

I assume this is related to #25245: Line property "Hook" not preserved on save/load. Replacing the text with something else does work; just full deletion does not. Replacing with "space" works once, but then it returns after the *next* save/reload.

BTW, I discovered this trying to add a "Ped"-less pedal line to the palette. I think these should probably be there by default - either in addition to or perhaps even instead of the current versions.


If I try to delete only the last three letters (Ped, and let: keyboardPedal ) seems to work even after saving
e826e97 (Vista 32)

if I drag the modified line in the palette it is invisible but can be used
(please do not ask me why)

Attachment Size
Pedale.mscz 1.74 KB

Yes, I think the workaround works because changing the text to anything but empty does work, and deleting those three letters has the effect of creating an unrecognized symbol, which displays as blank. For me, the modified line displays correctly in the palette too.