Inserting new measures behind a selected measure

• Nov 4, 2017 - 21:26

I want to insert horizontal frames behind the last measure in a line, in order to make the measures not fill up the entire line. However, when I select the last frame in the line and use "Add"->"Frames"->"Insert horizontal frame", the frame is always inserted in front of my measure. How do I add frames behind the selected measure?

I am using MuseScore 2.1.0.


If there are more measure after the selected measure select the next measure. It will be between the two measures. You can resize it by double clicking it and dragging the square. If you have entered a line break or page break remove it. Click the frame and add then add the line or page break.

If this is the last measure of the piece then use the menu Add->Frames->Append horizontal frame.

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