"Enter Shortcut Sequence" dialog box - defining tab and shift+tab keystrokes

• Dec 7, 2017 - 15:13

I'm a noob to MuseScore and read through the handbook and did forum searches for "tab" but couldn't home in on an answer, so...

I would like to redefine the keystrokes "Tab" and "Shift+Tab". When I am in the "Enter Shortcut Sequence" dialog box, in the field "New shortcut:" I press "Tab" but it moves to the "Clear" button, and when I press "Shift+Tab" it moves to the "Cancel" button. I understand that normally in a dialog box, that is how we navigate from one input control to another, but in this case, it's wrong to do so.

Is there a way to define these keystrokes in this dialog box, and if not, is there some config file I could tweak to get the same effect?



You could try editing the preferences file that Musecore saves, but the format is not documented and chances are excellent it won't work correctly anyhow, since Tab is handled specially by both the OS and by the Qt libraries we rely on. So I don't think it would be worth the effort - better to leave Tab alone, IMHO.

Locate the shortcuts.xml file used by musescore (on Windows in AppData\Local\MuseScore\MuseScore2) and edit it manually.

By default it contains this portion:


So if you start putting the Tab sequences somewhere else, make sure to clear those out to prevent a conflict.

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