Using .nsmp, and .npno files in the Synthesizer Window

• Dec 19, 2017 - 19:08
Reported version
Graphical (UI)
S5 - Suggestion

I know that MuseScore supports SoundFonts .sf2 and SFZ Files just by moving them to the SoundFonts Folder and then seeing them in the Synthesizer window in the Fluid and Zerberus Sections. But it would also be great if MuseScore supports .nsmp and .npno files.

Yeah, I know that I have discussed this before in a couple of forums before, and I think that recording these instrument sounds from a Nord Instrument would be better than trying to convert these files to .sf2 or .sfz.

I tried contacting "Nord Keyboards" today to see if this plan on converting these files to .sf2 would be useful and could probably work. But it's going to take a few days before I get a reply from them.

In order for this to work, we need to get permission from the Nord Keyboards Website just by Contacting them on their Support Page. Or maybe if you all have a Nord Instrument, there's a chance to download their instruments from their Sound Libraries so that way you can record all samples from their instruments from your Nord Instrument and then convert these samples to an .sf2 SoundFont in Polyphone.

I hope this works when MuseScore 3 comes!!!


Status (old) patch (code needs review) active
Status active

It seems to me that directly supporting a proprietary third party format is out of the question for both legal technical reasons. but sure, if you can convince them to allow you to convert the files to a supported format yourself and to freely license the result, that would be great. I wouldn't hold your breath though. And in any case, I'm not clear on feature you would be requesting MuseScore add. Once you have created the soundfont, you would be welcome to use and share it however the Nord folks say is OK; you don't need MuseScore's support for that.

Status (old) active closed
Status active closed

As explained by Marc, this feature cannot be implemented for intellectual property reason. I close it.
Feel free to reopen if you have further information.