Connecting MuseScore midi to Harrison Mixbus (on Windows)

• Mar 1, 2018 - 12:14


I know both MuseScore and Harrison Mixbus have native Jack support, and I'd like to route the midi from MuseScore to Mixbus to play in VST Instruments.

Is this possible without the loopmidi software, or indeed, without any additional software?


If you are using Jack on Windows, I don't believe you will need additional software.

Have you installed Jack on Windows (

Then follow these instructions (which were for an old musescore, but still relevant) except that in the "Jack Control" program in "Writable Clients / Input Ports" you should see Mixbus's midi input port which you will connect to musescore's midi output (which you do so by clicking both ports and clicking "Connect" button at the bottom).

I should also mention that with the upcomming MuseScore 2.2 release, it is no longer necessary to use Jack if you want to send MIDI output from MuseScore on windows. Please see and please test out this new feature and provide feedback on that post whether the MIDI output works or not.

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