Multi-line Copyright

• Apr 4, 2018 - 23:16

I'm getting a piece published, and the agency of the poet whose text I've used has (rightfully) supplied a copyright that they're like me to include. The copyright is very long, and has to be on multiple lines, otherwise the text will run off of the page. However, the copyright text cannot be edited in the score, and in the "Score Properties" menu, I can't make the text go to another line. Is there any way to do this?


You can include the full text in the score properties, and then include the footer to not reference the copyright variable but expand the text in there. (Footer lines can be multiline.)

Another option is to use a short summary, but to place the full copyright into a text box, see for an example of how to do that.

Also, but maybe not possible: You can put a part into the score properties, and reference that with the $:copyright: placeholder in a multi-line footer, and just place the rest of the information into the footer. (The loreley score linked above also uses this.)

In reply to by mirabilos

While it is true that you can't add line breaks to the copyright text within MuseScore, you can edit the text in a standard word processor to put the breaks however you like them, and then copy/paste from the word processor into the MuseScore copyright field. The line breaks will copy along with the text.

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