Local Time Signature Issues

• Apr 5, 2018 - 15:42

I was going through Goetterdaemmerung - Act III, Bernstein's cuts - and I ran into a problem. Wagner likes his 9/8; 3/4 time sig switcheroos. I didn't add in the solo voice bit, so I didn't need to worry about the 4/4 on top of it, but it still screwed up. I'm at measure 79. Everybody who is playing is in local 3/4, global 9/8. I need to switch everyone except the cellos back to 9/8. I try to put in a local 9/8 on any of them, and I can't add to the cellos without it being hopelessly screwed up - it's in 12/8 or something. I try to add to the cello part first, and it won't let me switch back to 9/8 on the others 'measure is not empty'.

It did all the ridiculousness beforehand, so I'm a little surprised. What does it think is going on here? Did I lose track of local v. global for a moment?

And, FYI, the playback is the NOT general midi symphonic sounds thing. That's why it's weird.

Attachment Size
Goetterdaemmerung.mscz 321.33 KB


Local time signatures are very problematic in MuseScore. I'll start by saying that the underlying code that affects this is being renovated for 3.0, so hopefully it will be fixed when that eventually comes out. I have decided that I will not use local time signatures until it is fixed.

IMHO, the best thing to do with local time signatures is PLAN! Before you enter any notes, enter your time signatures. Count measures so you can enter the local time signatures on the score where needed. When the majority of instruments move to a time signature, you might as well simply enter that as the global time signature and insert a local for the few (an make them invisible if needed by selecting them and pressing V). Once everyone is back in the same time signature, you can start entering notes in the sections where the local time signatures are. You can actually enter notes between any two time signatures without problems. The problem arises if you try to copy or paste any of these measures, which you probably already have discovered.

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