Metronome Mark from Masterscore Not Transferring to Parts

• Jun 29, 2018 - 10:17

I used the 'Metronome mark' text type to display changing metronome marks in my masterscore.

Once I'd exported the parts, I found that the metronome marks do not transfer to show in the parts. Surely they should?

Am I doing something wrongly? How can one make (proper) metronome marks in the masterscore, transfer to the parts?

Thanks in advance.


This indeed looks like a bug. If it still can be reproduced with the latest development build from the master branch, and hasn't yet been put into the issue tracker (I don't see it), please do that.

Hmm, what exactly do you mean by 'Metronome Marks"? ISTR that these "quarter nore = dotted quarter note", etc. only exist in master?
If this is something you manually created, and as staff text rather than system text, this would be by design.

"Metronome" is not the name of a type of element; it is the name of a text style that is provided, I guess, for MusicXML compatibility but essentially never used within MuseScore. The actual element type you should be adding is "Tempo text", from the Tempo palette or the shortcut Alt+T. If you use this element type, then it will indeed be copied to all parts. If you add a staff text instead, then like all staff text, it is copied only to the part for the staff it is attached to, regardless of what text style you might happen to assign it.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella


Thank you.

I'd assumed that 'Metronome mark' would be used as a format when one wanted to indicate (for example) '[crotchet symbol] = 120'; and 'Tempo text' for 'Presto' etc.

I tried changing the Metronome text to Tempo text, but this still does not make the metronome marks appear in the score. Perhaps if I change it to 'System text' it will work, but I'll lose the formatting.

In reply to by Film Composer

To be clear:

You need to add the actual tempo text element. There is no metronome text element - presumably (we can't tell without a s score attached) you actually added staff text or some other text type then changed its style to metronome. Again, that won't work - in order for it to be treated as having to do with tempo - meaning, affecting playback, being linked to all parts, etc - you need to add actual tempo text, not some other text type that happens to have a metronome or tempo text style.

When using actual tempo text, the quarter note symbol is inserted automatically (both when adding from the palette and when adding via shortcut). But if you accidentally delete it or have otherwise added tempo text that lacks the symbol, simply add it from the F2 "Special Characters" palette. Again, if it's a true tempo text - not a staff text or other type of text not designed for this purpose - it will indeed copy to all parts.

In general, text style are there for particular purposes, but I think you may be thinking of them as something other than what they are. The majority of use cases would never need you to change them (eg, to assign a different text style than the one that is the default for the element in question). Customizing the style - like increasing font size or whatever - now that much is common. But adding an element of one type then changing its text style to a totally different style - that's something you should almost never need to do (but it's there for the cases where it can be useful).

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