Navigate to bottom of score

• Aug 24, 2018 - 20:58

Using Musescore 2.3.2, can there be a shortcut key that instantly takes you to the bottom of a page, or even a key that can move up and down by system? It would be so much better than using the tiny and annoying Navigator. Thanks for a wonderful program.


The Home/End/PgUp/PgDn keys work pretty normally in MuseScore (or if your keyboard doesn't have dedicated keys for these functions, the standard shortcuts your system provides like Fn+Up/Down/Left/Right). But actually, the most usual way to navigate in MuseScore is the mouse wheel, or equivalent touch gesture (eg, two-finger swipe, with or without Shift, or drag along a "scroll zone"). The Navigator can be useful, and you can resize it however you like, but it is seldom if ever necessary, which is why it is disabled by default.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

PgUp and PgDown keys take me to the beginning and end of the score respectively. The Home key takes me to the top of the page. But the End key takes me to the bottom of page 2. I don't know why that is. Yelling at the key doesn't seem to work. And I get what you're saying about the mouse wheel, except that with a very large score, you can get tendinitis in the knuckles scrolling all day and all night, up and down, and the next week, back up again. Thanks!

In reply to by [DELETED] 29378932

What OS, what keyboard layout? PgDn should go to the next page and does for me (Windows, Microsoft Surface Pro with US Qwerty layout, so PgDn is Fn+Down). So if you're on page 1, PgDn goes to page 2. Then press it again to go to page 3, etc. End goes immediately to the last page, whatever that is. Sounds like when you're pressing PgDn, it's actually doing an End. Is this a physical PgDn key, or are you using a system shortcut like Fn+Down?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Okay, I found out was it was. Not using a system shortcut, just Home, End on the keyboard. End goes to page 2 as I've said. So what I did was to make a test score, same large orchestra. The buttons worked, so my score is corrupt somehow. Tomorrow I will start from scratch and see what happens. Thanks!

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