Please! No ribbons ever!

• Jul 28, 2014 - 02:01

I see that Sibelius (at least in Windows) now sports a ribbon interface in lieu of menus.

How dreadful.

Don't even THINK about it.


Sibelius introduced the ribbon interface in Sibelius 7, in July 2011. Nothing new here. As far as I know there have been no discussion to include a ribbon in MuseScore. Not sure why you are suggesting this?

In reply to by ChurchOrganist

Absolutely agree. I don't know why Sibelius ever thought the ribbon was a good idea. I lost interest in it as soon as they introduced it. I just couldn't find all the tools I had used previously. But it did make me an avid (no pun intended. Oh why not?) MuseScore fan. And I stopped using Sibelius.

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