Lyrics in Hebrew (R to L)‎

• Apr 27, 2019 - 08:45

Unfortunately, writing Hebrew becomes problematic from version to version.‎
‎(version 1.3 was far from perfect but was reasonable within the limits).‎
Now a new problem appears when adding punctuation marks beneath letters.‎
The first picture shows text without punctuation, and‎ what happens with punctuation marks: ‎
‎the system adds a space after each mark and pushes the dash forward.‎
This can not be fixed manually.‎
The second picture - I tried to change the data in the 'format table' but nothing solve this problem.‎
I don't understand the data in 'Max. dash distance' (16 ?)‎
What can be done ?‎

Attachment Size
בעיית ניקוד.JPG 44.8 KB
סגנון מקף.JPG 34.72 KB


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