Can't write score for Ukulele with Low G

• Jun 11, 2019 - 23:45

Using MuseScore rev e26f7c4 on Windows 10

Standard Ukulele tuning (re-entrant, G4) is all right, but it doesn't work if I change the fourth string tuning to Low G (G4). The linked standard stave shows anything below C4 in red, i.e. unplayable. Worse, the fret numbers on the fourth tab string will only enter zero, regardless of the fret I enter, while moving the staff note up on the linked standard stave creates a fret number on the wrong string, an octave too high.

Low G tuning is not uncommon in ukes, and this tuning is also used by the renaissance guitar. Fortunately the problem does not occur in MuseScore 2.2. so I will continue to use that for the time being.

Attachment Size
Ukulele low G bug.mscz 8.62 KB


This instrument is available in the instruments list. If you want to write it in tablature, you can either add a linked staff to the existing staff in the instruments dialog, or change the standard staff to Ukulele tablature if you don't want to see the notes. You then have complete control over which string plays which note.

Writing on the standard staff doesn't translate to tablature too well with this unless you ensure you create all chords from the top down. You can define "Enter {interval} below" shortcuts in preferences. FYI I used the numeric key pad and defined "Enter third below" as alt+shift+3 (musescore translates this to NumberPad+alt+PgDown or something like that). This isn't perfect, but it's better.

In reply to by mike320

Thanks for your reply. After a complete computer reboot (MS3 had crashed a couple of times, no doubt because of my ineptitude) it is now working as it should - relief.

I don't normally write on the standard staff. In fact I'm inputting tab written for renaissance guitar (using letters, etc.) then converting them to uke tab (numbers) for modern players. I'm happy to play off facsimiles but most people aren't.

In reply to by Brer Fox

Unless your ineptitude consists of wildly clicking quickly, MuseScore should not crash. If it's going to crash, you can't stop it, so do panic. Try to remember what you did that led to the crash. You can then report it here and perhaps someone can duplicate the crash and prevent it in the future by fixing the program.

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