In defense of the volunteers

• Nov 3, 2019 - 12:06

There seems to have been an uptick in criticism of the volunteers who are the backbone of the Forums.
Some of these folks respond to anywhere from dozens to scores (pun intended!) to hundreds of help requests a day.
This is in addition to the day jobs that pay the rent or mortgage.
I would suggest that anyone considering such a criticism keep this in mind. Many of the help requests are worded such that it can be difficult to parse out the actual problem the OP is having. Many of the OPs have obviously not read the “how to make a request” directions. Many refuse to attempt to try the help suggestions that are offered. Many will not follow what I call “Rule 1” which is you need to attach a copy of the problematic score. Many have not consulted the on-line manual prior to asking for help or advice (occasionally guilty here!). Occasionally some use the forum as a vent for their perceived problems with this software or advice they didn’t pay for.
The volunteers’ level-headed, never-take-it-personal, attitude I find commendable. If they occasionally respond with a terse comment (as opposed to verbose), or their response is just a link to the on-line manual, I see no problem in that.
Anyway, I have many thanks for Marc Sabatella, Jo-jo Schmitz, mike320, BSG, Ziya, and numerous others who have saved me hours or days of work, or found a solution to a problem that I thought was unresolable.


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