Slurs/Ties Stretch to a Different Note

• Dec 4, 2019 - 04:40

What I know happened:
When I want to tie two notes of the same pitch, I use the new tie button to add that tie; it ties to the next note normally with no problems. Sometimes, after working on the same score elsewhere, I come back to the tied notes to see that the tie as stretched (often across to the following pages) to a different note of the same pitch. This does not happen to all of the ties; the issue is not completely random, though: ties at the same measure/with the same rhythm are simultaneously messed up. This also happened to a certain section of the score (I have a similarly scored portion in the same score that was not affected). To correct this, I can delete this tie and redo the notation and it ties normally again with no problems. Obviously, we would want to correct this issue if it's prevalent with other users.
What happened between the time I notated the tie and came back to see it changed:
I changed the score view from Page View to Continuous View and back. I'll try to test this soon once I have time.
I (may have) changed the score from Concert Pitch to Transposed Pitch and back a couple of times. Also needs to be tested.
Normal editing etc. of score, including deleting measures; no instruments deleted/added and the part of the score that was affected was minimally edited, if at all.
Does anyone else have this issue? I don't have a score with the current problem or a photo (I fixed the score to correct the problems); if it happens again, I will update you guys. Thank you!


Are you by any chance changing the time signature? If so, this is a known bug that crept into 3.3.3 and is fixed for 3.3.4 that will be coming out any day now.

If you were not changing time signature, please attach your score so we can investigate further. Anything you can remember about what you were doing when the problem occurred will help.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I added and deleted the same time signature in a section of the piece before the affected-ties section (however, there was already a different time signature set for the affected section so I don't think the additional time signature affected it). Alas, I often make large personal projects so if the issue does reoccur again there it wouldn't be ideal to attach it. I'll tinker around with a smaller score and send anything; I suspect that the change in viewing layout might have done something because I've seen things get relocated in previous versions when that happened. If this issue is the same bug as the one you mentioned, I'll gladly take that update when it comes out. Thank you!

In reply to by Quinn Ouyang

Actually, it is time signature changes in a section before the ties that causes the known problem, so it seems likely you are seeing the same. Should be fixed in the coming update. and the fix wasn’t specific to time signature processing, so it’s also possible there were other ways to trigger the bug and the same fix will work.

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