Percussion notation and sounds

• Dec 30, 2019 - 23:15

Just getting started with MuseScore and trying to notate three drums of relative pitch and get the notation associated with drum sounds. But I can't find high, medium and low drum sounds of matched timbre in the Percussion palette. All suggestions appreciated!


Not sure what kind of sound you want, but there are by my count six different toms availabvle - low and high floor tom, low, low-mid, high-mid, and high mounted tom.

MuseScore follows the General MIDI standard for percussion and other sounds. So if there are different sounds you want, first step is to find the sounds you want in that standard, then hit the Edit Drumset button to add them to your drumset definition as described in the Handbook under "Drum notation".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks Marc for suggesting how to handle this. I checked out the Handbook and tried the drum sounds found in Percussion- Unpitched Drumset. That helps, but still is not adequate, since I need 3 different drum sounds where each sound has 3 different relative pitches. It looks like Musescore can import tracks and notate them (on page 110 of Handbook), but can it import instrument sounds from a sound library? Any suggestions on how to do that? Or are there ways to modify the sounds already loaded in Musescore?

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