When 2 pages are displayed side by side, "Next Page" should turn 2 pages instead of just one.

• Jan 2, 2020 - 14:07

When I have 2 pages side by side and press PgDn, pages 1-2 turn to 2-3 instead of 3-4 as I expect. I am using MuseScore to practice/play with, so it is very confusing to be playing and hit PgDn and the new page is not the first one displayed as you expect, and to have to hit PgDn twice.

More generally, PgDn should turn however many pages are currently fully displayed -- the way pages are turned during playback. (And I suppose PgUp should as well, although since I don't play music backwards it doesn't bother me.)

I would be happy with being able to set a shortcut key to a "turn 2 pages" function; is there something like this, or is there some way to do this with a plug-in?

In the meantime I'm going to try something like AutoHotKeys to make a PgDn+PgDn key.


If anyone else wants to use AutoHotKey (autohotkey.com) as a workaround -- here is the script to send double PgDn or PgUp in MuseScore (without affecting other applications). I also use the NumPad plus and enter keys as PgUp and PgDn so I included those as well.

SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ;

IfWinActive, MuseScore

Send, {PgDn}{PgDn}
Send, {PgUp}{PgUp}
Send, {PgDn}{PgDn}
Send, {PgUp}{PgUp}

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