Importing XML file Bass Clarinet part but plays back in incorrect pitch

• Mar 11, 2020 - 00:07

I have imported an xml file (bass clarinet part) into MuseScore 3. The import was good and appears as per original score. However the play back is in the wrong pitch. How do I get it to play back in the correct pitch for Bass Clarinet without changing the score. Alternatively I can I import, say Bass Clarinet part, to play back in the correct pitch in the first place?


Seems the transposition info was either recorded incorrectly in the MusicXML file, or else misinterpreted on import. We would need you to attach the MusicXML file in question in order to understand better.

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I don't see anything in that MusicXML specifying the transposition, or indeed what instrument it is written for, and it's unclear whether it was encoded at concert or written pitch. But when I load the score into MuseScore, I get exactly what I expect: starts with middle C, just like it says in the file.

So, if you are saying that it was actually meant to be for bass clarinet, and it is encoded at written pitch, then the file is incorrect. It needs to sound an octave and a step lower. no problem, just transpose it down (Tools / Transpose) and then change the instrument to bass clarinet (right-click the staff, Staff Properties, Change Instrument). The "Concert Pitch" button will then allow you to toggle the display between concert and written pitch.

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