Chord Sounds

• Aug 9, 2020 - 03:18

I play violin and guitar. My sheet music has notation for the violin with letters above the notation to represent the chords (D, D#, E). Violin is the selected instrument. During playback, a piano tone is sounded with each chord designation. This momentarily obliterates the violin notes. How can one turn off the piano chord sounds?


Select Chord symbol, in inspector disable Play, set as style
Or, in mixer, "unfold the instrument and assign a different sound to the chord symbols channel
Or mute it there

I'm now having this issue in MS4, and there is nothing I can find to disable the sound. I have an organ piece, and during playback, I'm getting this "pounding" piano chord sound. Can I turn this off for all chords?

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In reply to by rniquette

Rniquette, I have a similar problem. This morning I realized that if one goes to the top of the screen, an icon for "mixer" will be seen. The volume control for the chord sound can be turned down to "zero". This worked for myself and hopefully it will be helpful for you.

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