Printing out seprate parts

• Oct 17, 2009 - 22:33

I would Like to be able to separate my music. Like one page for the tuba one page for the drums, one page for the guitar, ect. This would be very helpful.


In reply to by [DELETED] 5

Not in my experience. File/parts brings up a dialogue box that leads nowhere - or I have not yet found out how to use it. It lists the instruments in 'ghost' form and then if you click on one it only offers the option of 'create'. If you click 'create' it just returns to the score.

I have a 40-page score from which I wish to print out individual parts for the 15 instruments who are going to play it. How do I do that?

I am now using 9.6 pre-release beta.

After just discovering MuseScore, I was even more delighted to find your brass band template, however, there seems to be a problem with the Brass Band_0.mscx template. When I start a new file using this template, every line of the score says 'InstrumentLong' rather than the true name of the instrument. As I am using the program on Ubuntu Linux, I did have to rename the archive (to Band.mscx) before linux would recognise it. I copied the new brass band 'instruments.xml' into the templates directory instead of the original. I also tried extracting the 'Brass Band.mscx' file from the archive and putting it in the templates directrory as 'brass.msc'. Opening this had the same effect as the fullarchive. Do you have any ideas how I could make your template work please?

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